Exodus 13:3  And Moses said to the people: “Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place. 


God has told us many, many times throughout the old and new testament to 'remember the exodus', 'remember how I brought you out of bondage'.  This Exodus Experience not only teaches you more about this amazing event, but it also helps spread the Good News to those who may need it.

God has also told us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”, Mark 16:15. This is sometimes difficult to do and some people just don’t know what or how they can do this. The Exodus Experience is one way to obey God’s command…and have fun doing it! See more details on the Exodus Experience and how it can help bring others to God below!

What is the Exodus?

Learn the amazing story of how God freed the Israelites from bondage and brought them to a land flowing with milk and honey! See how he brought the plagues on the Egyptians while protecting the Israelites. Follow the story through their miraculous escape into the land promised to them by God!

The Exodus Experience

Join us for the Exodus Experience.  This is a journey that will provide you with an exciting and educational adventure, plague treats and material about the Exodus along the way. 
You will:
Cross the “red sea”,
See water turned to “blood”,
Follow Moses through the plagues!

The Passover

The last plague introduces us to the Passover. God instructed the Israelites on how to be safe from the last plague…death of the firstborn! Learn how the Exodus story relates to Jesus dying on the cross and covering our sins with his blood…just as the Israelites were covered by the blood during this last plague