The Exodus Experience

2020 Date TBA
Bennett Park, Charlotte, MI

Join us for the Exodus Experience.  Fun for the entire family! Pets welcome too!

Begin this journey at Bennett Park and travel through town on a path full of experiences from the biblical Exodus! Moses will welcome everyone as we kick off the day’s walk, and you may see more people from his time joining us too. Feel free to join in on the fun and dress as an Israelite from years ago as well.

Your journey will take you through town with a few stops that will provide you with activities, information and goodies related to the Biblical Exodus along the way!

Walk at your own pace and enjoy the experience. Water will also be available at the periodic stops along the way.

Schedule for the day

1:30 pm - Check In open at the Pavilion in Bennett Park
Pick up goodies & map for the journey

2:00 pm - Opening ceremony with Moses!
Watch & learn as the Exodus Experience begins!

2:15 pm - Begin your journey following the map provided.

The Reason for the Exodus Experience - Spreading the Good News

The Exodus Experience is not a fundraiser for anyone, nor does it cost anything to participate.  This walk is to bring attention to the story and the amazing way that God led His people out of Egypt. Not only will the people who are participating learn more about the Exodus…but people who we pass on our walk, or who drive by as we’re walking will see what we’re doing!

There will be signs around town with messages about the Exodus and stations set up at rest stops that will entice people to stop and see what’s happening. At each rest stop, there is material and information about the Biblical Exodus, exciting visuals, take home material and goodies. Everything directs people to the book of Exodus in the Bible! Thus, we are spreading the Word of God!

God has told us many, many times throughout the old and new testament to 'remember the exodus', 'remember how I brought you out of bondage'.  This Exodus Experience not only teaches you more about this amazing event, but it also brings attention from people who are walking or driving by so that they can learn about it too!

We hope you'll join us on this journey and help us tell the story to others!

Exodus 13:3 And Moses said to the people: “Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place.


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To join us for the walk,
please fill out the information below and click submit.  This will ensure that we have enough of  refreshments and gifts for everyone!

All ages are welcome...pets too - the Israelites made the journey with many animals!

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