the exodus Story

The Exodus journey begins when the Israelites leave Egypt after the last plague..the death of the firstborn. It tells of the miracles God performed, Pharaohs attempt to stop them, how God provided everything they needed, how the Israelites continually fell short and disobeyed or did not believe, and finally reaching the land ‘flowing with milk and honey’. It is an example to us of how important it is to trust and obey God, and the protection and provision that follows our obedience - along with the results of not listening or obeying God! It is a good story of the love God has for us even when we might not deserve it and the consequences of not following God!

Just click the pictures below for the full story!

part 1 - israel oppressed & blessed

part 1 - israel oppressed & blessed

Part 2 - god calls moses

Part 2 - god calls moses

part 3 - more oppression & gods promise

part 3 - more oppression & gods promise

part 4 - pharaoh & the plagues

part 4 - pharaoh & the plagues

part 5 - the passover

part 5 - the passover

part 6 - exodus out of egypt

part 6 - exodus out of egypt

part 7 - dedication of firstborn

part 7 - dedication of firstborn

part 8 - the red sea

part 8 - the red sea

part 9 - journey through wilderness

part 9 - journey through wilderness

Part 10 - setting up judicial system

Part 10 - setting up judicial system

part 11 - proposed covenant

part 11 - proposed covenant

part 12 - the 10 commandments

part 12 - the 10 commandments

part 13 - god’s presence

part 13 - god’s presence

part 14 - god gives judgments

part 14 - god gives judgments

part 15 - ratification of the covenant

part 15 - ratification of the covenant

part 16 - God’s royal tent

part 16 - God’s royal tent

part 17 - the golden calf

part 17 - the golden calf

Part 18 - God’s anger - moses’ prayer

Part 18 - God’s anger - moses’ prayer

part 19 - renewal of the covenant

part 19 - renewal of the covenant

Part 20 - god’s tent finished

Part 20 - god’s tent finished

part 21 - Moses’ blessing

part 21 - Moses’ blessing

part 22 - dedication of the tent

part 22 - dedication of the tent

Part 23 - the burnt offering

Part 23 - the burnt offering

part 24 - the grain offering

part 24 - the grain offering

part 25 - the peace offering

part 25 - the peace offering

part 26 - the sin offering

part 26 - the sin offering

part 27 - the trespass offering

part 27 - the trespass offering

part 28 - additional offering rules

part 28 - additional offering rules

part 29 - ordination of aaron & sons

part 29 - ordination of aaron & sons

part 30 - priest’s offering

part 30 - priest’s offering

part 31 - death of nadab & abihu

part 31 - death of nadab & abihu

part 32 - clean & unclean food

part 32 - clean & unclean food

part 33 - purification after childbirth

part 33 - purification after childbirth

part 34 - rules for skin diseases

part 34 - rules for skin diseases

part 35 - law of cleansing skin diseases

part 35 - law of cleansing skin diseases

part 36 - unclean discharges

part 36 - unclean discharges

part 37 - day of atonement

part 37 - day of atonement

part 38 - eating blood prohibited

part 38 - eating blood prohibited

part 39 - unlawful sexual relations

part 39 - unlawful sexual relations

part 40 - laws for holy living

part 40 - laws for holy living

part 41 - punishments for sin

part 41 - punishments for sin

part 42 - rules for priests

part 42 - rules for priests

part 43 - acceptable sacrifices

part 43 - acceptable sacrifices

part 44 - annual feasts

part 44 - annual feasts

part 45 - oil & bread in tabernacle

part 45 - oil & bread in tabernacle

part 46 - blasphemy

part 46 - blasphemy

part 47 - The sabbath & year of jubilee

part 47 - The sabbath & year of jubilee

part 48 - blessings & curses

part 48 - blessings & curses

part 49 - vows to god

part 49 - vows to god

Part 50 - numbers of men from each tribe

Part 50 - numbers of men from each tribe

part 51 - placement of the tribes

part 51 - placement of the tribes

part 52 - the levites

part 52 - the levites

part 53 - numbers of levites

part 53 - numbers of levites

part 54 - test for purity

part 54 - test for purity

part 55 - nazirite vow

part 55 - nazirite vow

part 56 - dedication of the tabernacle

part 56 - dedication of the tabernacle

part 57 - the levites

part 57 - the levites

part 58 - Observance of passover

part 58 - Observance of passover

part 59 - Cloud, fire & gold trumpets

part 59 - Cloud, fire & gold trumpets

part 60 - Journey to kadesh - beginning

part 60 - Journey to kadesh - beginning

part 61 - beginning of sorrows

part 61 - beginning of sorrows

part 62 - miriam & aaron rebel

part 62 - miriam & aaron rebel

part 63 - 12 Spies & mixed reports

part 63 - 12 Spies & mixed reports

part 64 - people rebel & are defeated

part 64 - people rebel & are defeated

part 65 - unintentional sin

part 65 - unintentional sin

part 66 - rebellion of korah

part 66 - rebellion of korah

part 67 - Aaron’s Staff Buds - sign for rebels

part 67 - Aaron’s Staff Buds - sign for rebels

part 68 - priest duties & support

part 68 - priest duties & support

part 69 - red heifer & cleansing water

part 69 - red heifer & cleansing water

part 70 - the sin of moses

part 70 - the sin of moses

part 71 - journey: kadesh to moab

part 71 - journey: kadesh to moab

part 72 - king balak asks balaam to curse israel

part 72 - king balak asks balaam to curse israel

part 73 - balaam blesses israel

part 73 - balaam blesses israel

part 74 - israel bows to baal

part 74 - israel bows to baal

part 75 - second census

part 75 - second census

part 76 - instructions for a new generation

part 76 - instructions for a new generation

part 77 - war against midian

part 77 - war against midian

part 78 - settlement of the tribes

part 78 - settlement of the tribes

part 79 - stages of the journey

part 79 - stages of the journey

part 80 - land of inheritance

part 80 - land of inheritance

part 81 - inheritance for women

part 81 - inheritance for women

part 82 - Historical journey overview

part 82 - Historical journey overview

part 83 - god’s covenant lordship

part 83 - god’s covenant lordship

part 84 - consecration

part 84 - consecration

part 85 - conquering canaan

part 85 - conquering canaan

part 86 - a call to commitment

part 86 - a call to commitment

part 87 - lesson of the broken tablets

part 87 - lesson of the broken tablets

part 88 - another call to commitment

part 88 - another call to commitment

part 89 - ceremonial consecrations

part 89 - ceremonial consecrations

part 90 - rulers & laws

part 90 - rulers & laws

part 91 - sanctity of god’s kingdom

part 91 - sanctity of god’s kingdom

part 92 - profession the lord is your god

part 92 - profession the lord is your god

part 93 - curses & blessings ratified

part 93 - curses & blessings ratified

part 94 - moses prepares for his death

part 94 - moses prepares for his death

part 95 - song of moses

part 95 - song of moses

part 96 - Moses’ Blessing

part 96 - Moses’ Blessing

part 97 - death of moses

part 97 - death of moses